Here are a selection of Welsh words and phrases with their English Translation.
One of the most common phrases people want to know is what 'I Love Wales' is in Welsh - one way of saying it is 'Dw I'n caru Cymru' If you think I'm missing some great phrases, please feel free to email me [email protected] Welsh - English Bore da Good morning Cymry Welsh [the people] Cymraeg Welsh [the language] Cymru am byth! Wales for ever! Dw i'n caru Cymru I Love Wales Lloegr England Sais an Englishman Saeson English [the people] Saesneg English [the language] Saesneg (adj.) English-language, English-speaking Saesnig English [from England] Y Ddraig Goch ddyry gychwyn The Red Dragon will show the way (slogan often accompanying the Red Dragon, symbol of Wales) Prynhawn da Good afternoon Noswaith dda Good evening Nos da Goodnight Helô or Hylô Hello Sut mae? (North Welsh) How are you? Shw mae? (South Welsh) How are you? Croeso Welcome Hwyl Bye Hwyl am rwan/nawr Bye for now (North/South) Dal ati!, Daliwch ati! Keep at it!, Don’t give up! Nadolig Llawen Merry Christmas Blwyddwyn Newydd Dda Happy New Year Penblwydd Hapus Happy Birthday Cyfarchion y Tymor Season’s greetings Pob lwc Good luck Dymuniadau da, Dymuniadau gorau, Pob dymuniad da Best wishes Llongyfarchiadau Congratulations Cofion cynnes Yours (at end of letter/mail) Cariad Love, Darling Dw i’n dy garu di I love you Hen Wlad fy Nhadau Land of My Fathers (the Welsh national anthem) English–Welsh Welsh [the people] Cymry [“CUMree”] Welsh [the language] Cymraeg [“cumRYGE”] Welsh (adj.) [Welsh-lanaguge, Welsh-speaking] Cymraeg [“cumRYGE”] Welsh [from Wales] Cymreig [“cumREYG”] England Lloegr [“HLOYgr”] Englishman Sais [“sysse”] English [the people] Saeson [“SYSSE-on”] English [the language] Saesneg [“SYSSE-neg”] English (adj.) [English-language, English-speaking] Saesneg [“SYSSE-neg”] English [from England] Saesnig [“SYSSE-nig”] Good morning Bore da [“BORreh da”] Good afternoon Prynhawn da [“pnaown da”] Good evening Noswaith dda [“NOSSwythe dha”] Goodnight Nos da [“nos da”] Hello Helo [“heLO”] Hi!, How are you? Sut mae? [“sit mye”] (North Welsh), Shw mae? [“shoo mye”] (South Welsh) Welcome Croeso [“CROY-so”] Goodbye Hwyl [“hooil”] Bye Hwyl [“hooil”] Merry Christmas Nadolig Llawen [“naDOLLig HLAwen” Happy New Year Blwyddwyn Newydd Dda [“BLOOdhin NEHwidh dha”] Season’s greetings Cyfarchion y Tymor [“kuhVARKHyon uh TUHmor”] Happy Birthday Penblwydd Hapus [“PENblwidh HAPiss”] Good luck Pob lwc [“pawb look”] Best wishes Pob dymuniad da [“pawb duhMINyad da”] Yours (at end of letter/mail) Cofion cynnes [“KOVVyon KUHNess”] Congratulations Llongyfarchiadau [“hlong-guhvarkhYADeye”] Darling Cariad [“CARRYad”] I love you Dw i’n dy garu di [“doo een duh GARee dee”] I love Wales Dw i'n caru Cymru Land of My Fathers (the Welsh national anthem) Hen Wlad fy H [“hen wlad vuhn HAD-eye”] Welsh National Anthem in Welsh and English:
Welsh: Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl I mi, Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri; Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mad, Tros ryddid gollasant eu gwaed. (Cytgan/Chorus) Gwlad, Gwlad, pleidiol wyf I'm gwlad Tra mor, yn fur I'r bur hoff bau, O bydded I'r hen iaith barhau. Hen Gymru fynyddig, paradwys y bardd, Pob dyffryn, pob clogwyn I'm golwg sydd hardd; Trwy deimlad gwladgarol, mor swynol yw si Ei nentydd, afonydd I mi. Os treisiodd y gelyn fy ngwald tan ei droed, Mae hen iaith y Cymry mor fyw ac erioed, Ni Luddiwyd yr awen gan erchyll law brad, Na thelyn berseiniol fy ngwlad. English: The Land of My Fathers The land of my fathers, the land of my choice, The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice The land whose stern warriors were true to the core While bleeding for freedom of yore (Chorus) Wales! Wales! fav'rite land of Wales! While sea her wall, may naught befall To mar the old language of Wales. Old mountainous Cambria, the Eden of bards, Each hill and each valley, excite my regards; To the ears of her patriots how charming still seems The music that flows in her streams My country tho' crushed by a hostile array, The language of Cambria lives out to this day; The muse has eluded the traitors; foul knives, The harp of my country survives |